这是一款很棒的pr模板,带有3d拼图碎片动画,可以飞出并显示您的logo。 该模板包含1个logo占位符和1个可编辑文本层。 这可以很好地用作演示文稿和幻灯片的简短介绍。 快速,干净,富有创意的动画和井井有条的PR模板帮你快速实现你想要表达的效果哦~
Puzzle Logo is an awesome Premiere Pro template with 3d puzzle pieces animation that fly out and reveal your logo. This template contains 1 logo placeholder and 1 editable text layer. This can work well as a short introduction to your presentations and slideshows. Impress your audience with this quick, clean and creatively animated and well organized Premiere Pro template.
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